January 21, 2024 by 32 Strong Dental 0 Comments

Teeth Whitening Cost in Delhi

Smiling is contagious, and a bright, confident smile is key to leaving a lasting impression. Teeth whitening has become an increasingly popular cosmetic dental procedure, offering individuals a quick and effective way to enhance the brightness of their smiles. Teeth whitening is a non-invasive dental procedure aimed at lightening the color of discolored or stained teeth.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening:

  1. Improved Oral Health:
  • Removes stains and discoloration, enhancing the overall health and brightness of teeth.
  • Reduces the risk of cavities and other oral health issues.
  1. Whiter, Brighter Smile:
  • Eliminates stains caused by factors like smoking, coffee, tea, and certain foods.
  • Boosts self-confidence and attractiveness, positively impacting personal well-being.
  1. Long-Lasting Results:
  • Lasts for years with proper aftercare, outlasting at-home treatments.
  • Utilizes higher concentrations of bleaching agents for more enduring effects.
  1. Low Risk of Sensitivity:
  • Minimizes the chance of tooth sensitivity, as professionals use lower concentrations of bleaching agents.
  • Applied by dental professionals to reduce the risk of gum irritation.
  1. Quick Treatment Time:
  • In-office sessions typically last 30 to 60 minutes, offering a quick solution.
  • Convenient for individuals with busy schedules.
  1. Cost-Efficient Option:

Produces better results, making it a cost-effective choice. At 32 Strong, the cost of teeth whitening is Rs. 8000 onwards. Sometimes extra visit may be required to get desired results. Visit our dental clinic today to get exact estimate of teeth whitening by our expert dentists.

In conclusion, teeth whitening is a sought-after cosmetic dental treatment offering numerous benefits, from aesthetic improvements to enhanced self-confidence. We provide professional teeth whitening services and making it an accessible option for those looking to brighten their smiles.

We believe everyone deserves a radiant smile without hefty expenses. Our transparent pricing ensures you receive top-notch teeth whitening services without breaking the bank. Say goodbye to stains, hello to a dazzling smile with 32 Strong!

October 15, 2023 by 32 Strong Dental 0 Comments

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Good Oral Health: A Key to Overall Health - 32 Strong

A dazzling smile is a powerful asset that can boost your self-confidence and leave a lasting impression on those you meet. One of the most effective ways to enhance your smile is through teeth whitening, a popular cosmetic dental procedure offered at 32 Strong Dental Clinic. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of teeth whitening, covering everything from the procedure itself to the benefits, risks, and what you can expect during your visit to 32 Strong Dental Clinic.

Understanding Teeth Discoloration

To fully grasp the benefits of teeth whitening, it’s important to understand why teeth become discolored in the first place. Several factors contribute to tooth staining, including:

  1. Diet: Consuming foods and beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and dark berries can stain teeth over time.
  2. Tobacco Use: Smoking and chewing tobacco can lead to unsightly yellowing of teeth.
  3. Aging: As we age, the enamel on our teeth naturally wears down, revealing the yellowish dentin beneath.
  4. Genetics: Some individuals are genetically predisposed to have teeth that are naturally more yellow.
  5. Medications: Certain medications can cause tooth discoloration as a side effect.

The Teeth Whitening Process

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to combat tooth discoloration and achieve a brighter smile. At 32 Strong Dental Clinic, our experienced dental professionals use the latest techniques to deliver remarkable results. The teeth whitening process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Dental Examination: Before starting the treatment, our skilled dentists will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth to ensure that teeth whitening is the right choice for you.
  2. Treatment Options: 32 Strong Dental Clinic offers both in-office and at-home teeth whitening options. In-office treatments provide immediate results, while at-home kits allow you to whiten your teeth gradually.
  3. Protection: To protect your gums and lips, a barrier is applied to shield them from the whitening solution.
  4. Whitening Gel Application: A high-quality whitening gel is applied to your teeth, which breaks down stains and discoloration.
  5. Activation: A special light or laser may be used to activate the whitening gel, enhancing its effectiveness.
  6. Rinse and Repeat: After a designated period, the gel is removed, and the process may be repeated until the desired level of whiteness is achieved.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening at 32 Strong Dental Clinic offers numerous advantages, including:

  1. Enhanced Confidence: A brighter smile can boost your self-esteem and help you feel more confident in social and professional settings.
  2. Improved Appearance: Whiter teeth can take years off your appearance and make you look more youthful.
  3. Quick and Convenient: In-office teeth whitening provides immediate results in just a single visit, while at-home kits allow you to whiten your teeth at your own pace.
  4. Safe and Effective: The process is performed by trained dental professionals, ensuring your safety and the quality of results.
  5. Long-Lasting: With proper care, the results of teeth whitening can last for several months.

Risks and Considerations

While teeth whitening is generally safe, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Sensitivity: Some individuals may experience tooth sensitivity during or after the procedure. This is usually temporary and can be managed with special toothpaste.
  2. Gum Irritation: Whitening gel can cause temporary irritation of the gums. At 32 Strong Dental Clinic, we take precautions to protect your gums.
  3. Results Vary: The degree of whitening achieved may vary from person to person based on their unique dental condition.
  4. Maintenance: To maintain your white smile, it’s important to avoid foods and habits that cause staining.

Post-Whitening Care

To ensure the longevity of your newly whitened smile, consider the following tips:

  1. Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent staining.
  2. Dietary Choices: Limit your consumption of stain-inducing foods and beverages.
  3. Tobacco Cessation: Quit smoking or chewing tobacco to prevent further discoloration.
  4. Professional Cleanings: Schedule regular dental cleanings at 32 Strong Dental Clinic to remove surface stains and maintain your bright smile.

Consultation and Appointment

To embark on your teeth whitening journey at 32 Strong Dental Clinic, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our experienced dentists. During this consultation, you can discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. Our team will work with you to determine the most suitable teeth whitening option, whether it’s an in-office treatment or an at-home kit.


At 32 Strong Dental Clinic, we understand the profound impact a radiant smile can have on your life. Teeth whitening is a straightforward and effective way to achieve the brilliant, confident smile you’ve always desired. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to providing you with top-notch dental care, ensuring that you leave our clinic with a beaming, white smile that you can proudly show off to the world. Don’t let tooth discoloration hold you back; take the first step towards a brighter, more confident you with teeth whitening at 32 Strong Dental Clinic

July 24, 2023 by 32 Strong Dental 0 Comments

Preserving the Radiance of Your Smile: Effective Teeth Whitening Options

As we age, it’s natural for our teeth to gradually yellow. However, there are several tactics that can help slow down and even reverse this process to some extent. Our smile is a vital asset, often the first thing people notice, and having a brighter, more attractive smile can significantly boost our self-confidence. Lifestyle choices and certain foods can cause teeth staining and diminish their sparkle. Factors such as food coloring, coffee, tea, soda, and smoking can affect the color of our teeth. Dr. Pooja Jain, the best Dentist in Delhi provides the best Teeth Whitening in Delhi.

Here are five ways to whiten your teeth:

  1. Whitening Toothpaste:

All toothpaste types help removes surface stains as they contain mild abrasives. Some whitening toothpaste includes gentle polishing or chemical agents for enhanced stain removal. Compared to other teeth whitening methods, whitening toothpaste is generally more affordable, less time-consuming, and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

  1. Home whitening/Tray-Based Teeth Whitening:

Home whitening/Tray-Based Teeth Whitening, available over-the-counter or from a dentist, involve filling a mouth guard-like tray with a hydrogen peroxide-based bleaching agent. This tray is worn for a couple of hours daily for up to four weeks, or longer depending on the degree of discoloration and desired level of whitening.

  1. In-Office Whitening – Instant Teeth Whitening:

In this procedure, the dentist ensures your safety by protecting the gums and roots of your teeth with a special gel. A bleaching solution is carefully applied to your teeth. A special light machine is then used to activate the bleaching solution, expediting the whitening process. The entire procedure takes approximately one hour, providing patients with instant results and whitening of up to eight shades.

  1. Whitening Light Devices:

With this method, a whitening agent is directly applied to the teeth, followed by the use of a blue LED light to intensify penetration and yield quick results. These light devices are highly effective due to the extended contact time between the active ingredient and the teeth. They offer a hands-free design, causing no sensitivity or pain, and feature automatic shut-off and no runny gel.

  1. Teeth Whitening Strips:

Almost invisible strips coated with a thin layer of hydrogen peroxide or another active ingredient are used in this approach. Teeth whitening strips bleach surface stains and penetrate tooth enamel and dentin to remove intrinsic stains.

The cost of teeth whitening varies depending on the chosen system. Teeth whitening toothpaste is the most affordable option, while in-office whitening is more expensive but delivers the best results.

At 32 Strong, one of the best dental clinics in India, we offer cost-effective and comfortable teeth whitening procedures in South Delhi. Our skilled dentists are proficient in cosmetic dentistry and ensure that you experience a painless and comfortable treatment. To learn more about the process of our Instant Teeth Whitening Treatment using the Philips ZOOM Professional Teeth Whitening in Delhi, you can book an appointment or call our clinic.

Preserving the natural brilliance of your smile is within reach. Trust 32 Strong for exceptional teeth whitening in Delhi.

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